Wednesday, May 6, 2009

In Atlanta at Drive 09

Diann and I came to Atlanta on Saturday to visit North Point churches in the area and then attend the leadership conference -Drive '09.
We have observed and asked questions and sought to learn all we can from others who are successful in reaching those outside and away from church and God. So many have given up on God and church because of a bad experience or no experience at all. Story after story of individuals are told... they wandered from what they knew of God growing up and someone invited them to a relevant environment... a service project, a party, a church service and they were touched and changed by what they heard and saw.
Diann and I are inspired and challenged to focus even more on reaching back to the generation behind us, raising up leaders and creating environments that connect people with the life changing message of Jesus Christ. Nothing could be more fulfilling for us. It is what we started doing out of college and hope to do for the rest of our lives.

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