Sunday, May 31, 2009

Update on Coby and Cory and Dude Perfect

Over the past few weeks Cory and Coby have enjoyed creating more fantastic basketball shots with the "Dude Perfect Team".
Dude Perfect 2 - Ranch Edition

As a result of the second video other websites, news services and radio shows have shown interest in their story.
To take a look or listen to some of these go to or to their You Tube channel.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Steady Morning Routines

I am in a routine of getting up early... before the rest of the family. Rising early was part of my childhood on the farm, but I do so now because I really like it. It's quiet and I can read and think and pray unhurried and undisturbed.
Here's the drill... I get up... get a pot of coffee going... grab my Bible and journal and sit in one of my favorite spots. It is usually still dark and during my reading the morning grows brighter. Sometimes I move out on the porch to feel the cool morning air and listen to the birds.
I hear from the Lord as I read his word. It's like sitting with a close friend... sometimes talking... sometimes sitting without a word. The Lord draws closer and my awareness and understanding grow stronger.
Although many cool things happen throughout the day, this morning routine is my favorite part.

Monday, May 18, 2009


mo·men·tum (mō-měn'təm) n.
Symbol - physics: A measure of the motion of a body...
Impetus of a physical object in motion.
Impetus of a nonphysical process, such as an idea or a course of events.

Today we are going to Cataylst One Day in Dallas. The topic is Momentum. We will hear from Craig Groeschel and Andy Stanley.

...How to create and sustain momentum in your organization
...Identify and break through the barriers to momentum
...Overcome personal leadership lids
...Create a culture of continual improvement

I am so happy that Coby and Cory are with me... they finished their exams and completed their Junior year at TAMU. It's hard to believe they started college three years ago.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day and Providential Relationships

God uses human relationships to shape and influence and grow our faith.
Not much to argue with on this point.
Mothers are an especially strong example of life shaping, faith growing relationships. Happy Mothers Day to all those reading this!!

I spoke today at Stonebridge and unpacked this truth. All of us have know people with BIG faith... they seemed unshakable not matter what circumstances came their way. That strong trust and faith in God results in closeness and intimacy with Him.

I can name dozen's of people God has used to shape and grow my faith.
Diann my wife, my mom and dad, Helen Senter, Berry Barbor, Ben Plesant, David Highsmigth, Lem Howard, Tommy Bridges, Mike Fields, Chuck Klein, Skid Logan, Charlotte Patrick, Nancy Mills, Steve Bradley, Joe McKinney, David Windley, Steve Dupree, Steve Cotton, my children Coby, Cory and Catherine and many more...
I thank God for these people who have allowed their faith and love for the Lord overflow into my life.

My application...
Be intentional to get into structured environments... designed to foster and set up meaningful relationships. Put yourself in environments where God can connect you with others that will influence your faith in positive way.
Also be willing and available to let God intersect you and use you in someone else's life. The things you have heard and learned and experienced can impact someone else.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

In Atlanta at Drive 09

Diann and I came to Atlanta on Saturday to visit North Point churches in the area and then attend the leadership conference -Drive '09.
We have observed and asked questions and sought to learn all we can from others who are successful in reaching those outside and away from church and God. So many have given up on God and church because of a bad experience or no experience at all. Story after story of individuals are told... they wandered from what they knew of God growing up and someone invited them to a relevant environment... a service project, a party, a church service and they were touched and changed by what they heard and saw.
Diann and I are inspired and challenged to focus even more on reaching back to the generation behind us, raising up leaders and creating environments that connect people with the life changing message of Jesus Christ. Nothing could be more fulfilling for us. It is what we started doing out of college and hope to do for the rest of our lives.