Monday, June 1, 2009

Becoming Nimble

nimble –adjective
1. quick and light in movement; moving with ease; agile; active; rapid... nimble feet
2. quick to understand, think, devise, etc.: a nimble mind

We have prayed for weeks to be able to sell our house and downsize our budget and living situation. Many people are thinking this way with our economy going through it's current changes.
The timing is unfolding that as Catherine has completed her Junior year in high school this May, we now have a buyer for our house. If all goes as scheduled (and that's not always the case) :), we will sell here in June and move to townhouse for a while.

We a looking forward to just leasing a place and going nimble. Less stuff, less maintenance, more time for relationships... our family and friends. I am glad for a season of simple... a season of nimble. It's not easy or simple to get there. Lot's of work is ahead... moving, giving away, purging things we no longer need.

I have to admit I am really looking forward to this season. God's timing and his place for us is the best... I am loving becoming nimble.
So be on the lookout for something quick, agile and rapid... it's probably ME!!!

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