Friday, March 20, 2009

Road Trip Wrap Up

Today we are leaving Birmingham Alabama to get back home... about an eleven hour trip.
We have filled our days with great family times. Mom is always so excited to see us and her anticipation reminds me of how much God loves me and awaits time together.

As I read Romans 8, I see that nothing can separate me from His love and that the extent of His love is demonstrated in giving His own Son... "how will He not also with him graciously give us all things?"

It feels really good to be loved... "I am loved by the King and it makes my heart want to sing!"

This weekend Mom is packing up her stuff to move to an apartment... away from the farm where she has lived for 49 years! This will be a tearful transition. Our whole family will pack up and carry memories with us... both joyful and painful memories of life on North Harnett Road. I cannot write about it yet... but I pray for the wisdom and strength to capture many of those experiences in writing... life lessons that will bear fruit when read by others.

Got to get on the road...

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