Getting back into a routine flow was not easy after Daddy passed away. I feel like just in the last week or so clearer thinking is beginning to return. All that I read and hear from others is that it takes from 3 to 6 months to resurface after a loved one dies.
Thanksgiving was a sweet time with our family... Diann's brother Larry and our children. Diann's dad passed away at age 78 on Thanksgiving Day last year. My dad died on October 18 at age 79.
God is so good just to walk close with me and give me comfort through reading his words in the scriptures and talking with him in prayer. I have felt his closeness and love in newer and deeper ways. Our whole family has become even closer going through such losses together.
Hope in God and the future he promises in the Bible gives me great comfort. The promise of life that continues into eternity is an amazing experience to look forward to. I can only read of it and imagine being reunited with grandparents, parents and others who followed Christ in this world.
My prayer from my college days was and still remains, "Lord let me live for you and help others to know and follow you." Thanks for reading.